The statutory accident insurance
The German statutory accident insurance covers over 81 million insured individuals. The guiding principle is “rehabilitation, not retirement”, meaning every effort is made to help patients overcome injury and illness.
BG Hospitals are the medical institutions of the statutory accident insurance; a critical component of the German social insurance system. Included among the more than 81 million insured members are all workers, employees and volunteers as well as over 17 million pupils, students and children in day-care facilities.
The purpose of the statutory accident insurance is to protect insured persons from work-related accidents, occupational disease and any consequence as a result. Nearly four million companies and public institutions are automatic members of the mandatory insurance system consisting of employers’ liability insurance associations and accident funds.
Should an occupational accident, commuting accident (i.e. accidents on the way to or from the workplace) or occupational disease occur, the statutory accident insurance provides complete medical, social and vocational rehabilitation for insured members, financial compensation, and if necessary, lifelong care.
A further objective of the statutory accident insurance is workplace injury prevention using information campaigns, testing and setting standards as well as offering training opportunities. Companies are provided assistance on how to protect staff from accidents and risks to health and safety at work.
Learn more about the statutory accident insurance.